Joseph Margolis


Zur Person

Joseph Margolis (*1924) ist seit 1968 Professor für Philosophie an der Temple University (Philadelphia, Pa.). – BA 1947 (Drew University), MA 1950 und Ph.D. 1953 (Columbia University). – 1947–1956 Long Island University (Instr., Asst. Prof.), 1956–1958 University of South Carolina (Asst. Prof.), 1958–1959 University of California at Berkeley (Vis. Asst. Prof.), 1960–1965 University of Cincinnati (Assoc. Prof., Prof.), 1965–1967 University of Western Ontario (Prof.).

Buchveröffentlichungen (Auswahl)

Philosophy Looks at the Arts (1962, 3. Aufl. 1987; Hrsg.), The Language of Art and Art Criticism (1965), An Introduction to Philosophical Inquiry (1968, 2. Aufl. 1978), Fact and Existence (1969), Values and Conduct (1971), Knowledge and Existence (1973), Negativities. The Limits of Life (1975), Persons and Minds. The Prospects of Nonreductive Materialism (1978), Art and Philosophy (1980), The Worlds of Art and the World (1983; Hrsg.), Culture and Cultural Entities (1984), The Persistence of Reality, 3 Bde. (1986–1989), The Truth About Relativism (1991), The Flux of History and the Flux of Science (1993), Interpretation Radical But Not Untruly. The New Puzzle of the Arts and History (1995), Historied Thought, Constructed World. A Conceptual Primer for the Turn of the Millennium (1995), Life Without Principles. Reconciling Theory and Practice (1996), What, After All, Is a Work of Art? Lectures in the Philosophy of Art (1999), The Quarrel Between Invariance and Flux. A Guide for Philosophers and Other Players (2001), Selves and Other Texts. The Case for Cultural Realism (2001).


Die Identität eines Kunstwerks [übersetzt von Reinold Schmücker]. In: Identität und Existenz. Studien zur Ontologie der Kunst. Herausgegeben von Reinold Schmücker [KunstPhilosophie Band 2]. Paderborn: mentis 2003, 2. Aufl. 2005, S. 28-46.



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